Gettin out of Dodge

Raise your hand if you’ve been waiting since summer for this week! I’m not a teacher, but I’m guessing most teachers would agree. Thanksgiving week – forget 30 days of Thankfulness… I’m just freaking ecstatic that I get to run away for a week!

Seriously – you should try it. Running away is healthy. Well, at least for me it is.

Because I’m not a home-body. As a matter of fact, despite the fact that I love a lazy day on the couch as much as the next person, I would lose my damn mind if I didn’t travel once every few months. I mean, go bat-shit crazy! All of the monotony makes me want to go postal on everyone – including my Beloved and the Angels (small people ages 8 & 10). I love them dearly, but get the hell out of the way cause Momma’s gonna blow.

So we’re headed East to Louisiana for a few days with my family (read: pampering and copious amounts of alcohol) followed by a few days in Northeast Texas with his family (read: Bible Belt, repentance and serenity).

It doesn’t really matter WHERE I travel, as long I do.

Seriously – I could go to a hotel 15 minutes away and it feels like a vacation. Who knows what the hell is wrong with me – I just know that it gives me my sanity back. And I am VERY much looking forward to feeling like a normal person again.

Safe travels to the rest of you that are traveling – and to you home-bodies… Don’t worry, I’ll have a drink for you!